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How many golf scholarships are given each year? Can you get a full scholarship for golf? How many Division I golf teams are there?

Golf is an equivalency sport for NCAA scholarship purposes, meaning that the coaches have a certain dollar amount that can be split among multiple athletes in any proportion they choose. A full scholarship is rare, but academically gifted student athletes can complement the athletic scholarship with other financial aids based on grades and/or test scores criteria.
NCAA & NJCAA Division III schools do not award athletic scholarships, but they do grant other forms of financial aid that student athletes may qualify for.

Number of Men College Golf Teams

Schools# of Teams# of AthletesAverage Roster Size
NCAA I2992,9709
NCAA II2282,37810
NCAA III3043,23811

Number of Women College Golf Teams

Schools# of Teams# of AthletesAverage Roster Size
NCAA I1941,5429
NCAA II2281,6697
NCAA III1691,2527

Scholarship Limits Per Team

NCAA Division I99Golf is an equivalency sport for NCAA scholarship purposes, so partial scholarships can be awarded
NCAA Division II5.43.6
NCAA Division IIIDivision III does not provide athlete scholarships

Odds of a US High School Female Athlete

# of Athletes competing on US High School Golf teams75,605
# of Athletes competing on NCAA, NAIA College Golf teams6,721
% of US High School Athletes competing in college Golf6.30%

Odds of a US High School Male Athlete

# of Athletes competing on US High School Golf teams141,466
# of Athletes competing on NCAA, NAIA College Golf teams10,315
% of US High School Athletes competing in college Golf5.50%